Apply for a Grant

Fiscal Year 2025 Grants

(July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025)

The grant application informational meeting/webinar took place on Thursday, January 25.

MLSC's FY25 grant cycle is now closed. All applications were due March 15, 2024.


MLSC makes grants once per year on the following timeline:

  • January or February: Grant application informational meeting/webinar (see News for date announcement)
  • March 15 (or next business day if March 15 falls on a weekend): Application deadline
  • May or June: Selection of grantees
  • Mid-July: First month grant disbursement of fiscal year (July 1 – June 30)

New Applicants

New applicants should contact MLSC BEFORE beginning an application. If the proposed program appears to fit grant guidelines, MLSC will request a formal application.